In addition to books the history center collection includes maps, microfilm, photographs and negatives, church and community records, periodicals, and vertical files. Also included are:
- The Scott Ellis Civil War Collection
- The Bob Hogan Civil War Collection
- The H. Donald Winkler Civil War Collection
- The Beulah Lynn papers Collection
- The Great Britain Public Record Office Calendar of State Papers-Colonial Series Volumes 1-40
- Laura Cooper Collection that focuses on Cowen and Silver Families
- The Henderson Family research collection
- The Doris Noland Parton (former teacher in Sevier County) collection of papers use for thesis on African American in Sevier and Cocke Counties in Tennessee
- The Smoky Mountain Storytelling Collection a collection folktales used in Appalachia storytelling
- The Appalachian Collection contains information on all things appalachian
- The Antique Appraisal collection contains a large number on appraisal of different types of antiques
- The Clock and Watch Collection, repair and identification of clocks and watches
- The Frances Ostergeren collection of hand painted homes, building, and scenes of Sevier County
- The Herb Lawson Collection, of picture, papers, and a large collection of area Postcards
The History Center is always looking to expand our collection. When items are presented to the history center the staff will evaluate the items for possible inclusion in the history center collections, where they will be cataloged and archived according to standard procedures for those materials.
In addition to all of the regular collections in the history center we have a rare materials vault. Contents of the vault are all of our rare and one of kind items. Items that are in the vault must be requested to be seen, cannot leave the history center and will have a staff member present while you view the requested item. If a copy of an item is requested, a member of the staff will make the copy.
The holdings in the History Center are for reference use only. The materials do not circulate and are not available for interlibrary loan.